

  • Teaching assistant for Declarative Languages, KU Leuven, Autumn 2023 and 2024. The course covers programming in Prolog and Haskell. I was jointly responsible for the exercises course.
  • Teaching assistant for Functional Programming,1 Peking University, Autumn 2020, 2021, and 2022. The course covers functional programming in Haskell and mechanically verified program calculation in Agda. I was responsible for the exercises course, assignments, exam paper evaluation, and the course website.
  • Teaching assistant for Software Foundations, Peking University, Spring 2021. The course covers the Software Foundations book series, and focused on programming language theory formalised and proved in Coq. I was responsible for assignments, exam paper evaluation, and the course website.
  • Teaching assistant for Introduction to Computing (A),1 Peking University, Autumn 2019. This is a introductory course on programming in C++. I was responsible for the exercises course and assignments.

  1. The following courses used internal website in Peking University, so the course materials are unfortunately not publicly available: Functional Programming in Autumn 2020, Introduction to Computing (A). ↩︎ ↩︎2